Monday 14 April 2014

Particles and Sound

Solids, Liquids and Gases

In a solid, the particles are tightly packed and so they can not easily move around. the bonds between the particles are very strong and the particles to do not have enough energy to move freely. Therefore, solids have fixed shapes. And although the particles are tightly packed, they are always vibrating. When solids are given more energy, usually through heat, the particles start to get more and more excited and vibrate faster and faster. Eventually the particles have enough energy to break the bonds holding the solid together. The solid is now a liquid. This process is called melting. In liquids, the particles can move around freely. The particles move around to take up the shape of the container they are currently in. Also, they move with the help of a force called gravity. The particles in liquids still remain in contact with each other, also liquids cannot be squashed. If even more energy is put into the substance, the articles move more and more until all the bonds are completely broken. The substance is now a gas. Gases spread out to fill any space available and can also be squashed as the particles are well spaced out.

Physical changes

Through physical changes nothing new is made but there is a change in appearance. Examples of changes in appearance are state changes, which change the shape, and dissolving. These changes are reversible. Examples of physical changes are ice melting, liquids freezing, rain-water evaporating and steam condensing.

Chemical changes

Differentiating from physical changes, chemical changes always form a new substance. These changes involve a change in appearance, for example a change in colour, or a detectable energy change, which could involve heat, light or sound. Examples of chemical changes are fireworks, frying an egg, burning wood and burning a candle.

Expansion and Contraction

When solids, liquids and gases get hotter, the particles vibrate faster and faster. This makes the substances expand, which means the substance takes up more space. But when the particles in solids, liquids and gases cool, they vibrate slower and slower, which makes the substance contract, hence, the substance takes up less space. Because of this, objects that have been built, are built so that they have space to expand. An example of this is railway lines; the railways lines are built in sections with gaps in between, so that when the sun heats the tracks, they have enough space to expand.

Brownian Motion

The discovery of Brownian Motion is named after the scientist who first noticed the motion of particles, Robert Brown. Brownian Motion is the random movement of particles in a fluid (liquid or gas). The particles move around and if they randomly bump into each other they change their direction and carry on moving. The particles can also bump into objects visible to the naked human eye. For example we can see it happening in potassium permanganate and water, in ink and water and when methane is released into the air. Another term for Brownian Motion is the Particle Theory, but this term is mostly used in Mathematics.


Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This can happen in any fluids (liquid or gas). The higher the temperature of the area in which the fluids are diffusing, the faster the fluids will diffuse. Examples of gases diffusing are flower scents in air, smoke in air and  the stench of rotten vegetables in air. Examples of liquids diffusing are ink in water and potassium permanganate in water.

Conservation of Mass

First of all, to understand the conservation of mass you should know that atoms are the smallest part of an element in a chemical reaction. In a chemical reaction the total mass of reactants is always equal to the total mass of products. During any chemical reaction the atoms in the reactants are rearranged to form the products; no particles are created or destroyed, just rearranged. So basically in a chemical reaction the total mass before, will always be the same as the total mass afterwards.


The pitch/frequency of a note is measured in Hertz (Hz). A frequency is the number of sound waves per second. The more sound waves measured, the higher the frequency will be, i.e. if there's 8 waves the frequency will be 8 Hz per second. Below are a few examples of different sounds and what their average frequency would be:

  • Average male voice - 200 Hz
  • Average female voice - 300 Hz
  • Bass guitar - 100 Hz
  • Middle A on a piano - 450 Hz
  • Average baby crying - 1000 Hz
Sound can also be absorbed into soft surfaces and reflected off hard, flat surfaces.

Hearing sound

First of all, sound waves are collected by the ear lobe/pinna. The waves then travel along the ear canal. The waves make the ear drum vibrate. The ossicles (small bones) amplify the vibrations. The cochlea turns the vibrations into electrical signals. The auditory nerve takes the signal to the brain.

Speed of Sound

The speed of sound varies on the conditions of each environment. These conditions include humidity, temperature and altitude. Although to work out sound the equation distance divided by time should be used. 


Anything above 20,000 Hz is identified as ultrasound. Humans cannot hear ultrasound; however bats can. We can use ultrasound several different ways. For example to check pregnancies or to clean. This is another way ultrasound can be used: gel is used to absorb an sound wave into the body. The wave will reflect back and a sensor will sense the wave being reflected. On special computers the wave will be analysed so that we can understand what is happening inside the body.

Monday 31 March 2014

One philosopher - Big difference

Rene Descartes

So, this philosopher, Rene Descartes, he made some big changes in the world. 

You know the coordinate system, he thought of it. Imagine, this one human being, normal like the rest of us, did something which is literally just something we thought was always there, well, that's what I thought. Compared to him... it's just too embarrassing. All I do when I get home from school, like the majority of us, watch hours of tv or play hours of games, do the homework we actually HAVE to do and by then it's usually night time.. so Zzzz Zzz is what happens (not that I snore).

But no, no noo!! That's not the end of it, from this idea he then thought up analytical geometry!!!!!!! For all those other people like me with average brains, analytical geometry is basically geometry using coordinates and algebra. And guess what, these things are all taught in school, doesn't that show it's importance!! 

But no, no, no, no, nooooo!!! That is still not the end of it, Descartes had also discovered the laws of refraction and reflection. We shouldn't call it Mathematics!!! We should call it Descartes-ematics!! And remember, Rene Descartes didn't have brain super powers, he was just a normal human being.

Anyways, there are two things I'm trying to get across to you here: One, the facts, and two, you don't have to be born with super intelligence to be able to think, you just have to put in enough effort and you'll get it. Think of it like this: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Welcome to my blog!!!

Roll Up! Roll Up!

Hi! My name is.. - Ok, let's get to the point. That might be quicker...

So this is like an INTRODUCTION, ok? So you might be thinking "What on earth is this blog about?" or you might have already figured it out from the name of this blog.

LOL just found out my favourite font is on here.. 

Anyways, back to the point, this blog is going to basically be information on anything and everything I find interesting. None of the factual mumbo jumbo will be phoney polony, it will honestly be real.. Just in case you were doubting me. :D 

When will I be posting? I will try to post often but, I mean 15 pieces of homework a week, let's just say it won't be everyday.

I hope that covers everything, if not then you can post your question down in the comments, and I could answer them there. Hope that helps. :D

Hope you enjoy and learn something new from my blog!

Ooh, I forgot to add one more thing: when I write my blogs I will usually try to make it as short as possible, because I don't really want to waste your time or my time.. Happy?
